AO3 Detroit: Become Human fanfic analysis

Main blog program-800 with all the details maintained here. Feel free to drop any feedback there via the ask! If you don’t have a Tumblr and would rather I reply you directly via email, please include a name and your email in your ask.

Status of the project:

There’s quite a bit going on in my life right now so I’m not going to be updating as often, but the project is still alive.

Available analyses:

Based on data from Oct 2019:

  1. Publishing frequencies in the fandom by month
  2. Interactive visualisation of ships across all fics
  3. Topic modeling DBH fics (LDA)
  4. Average hits/kudos/comment counts/bookmarks received (split by publication month & rating). Note that this looks only at one-shots.
  5. Differences in word use between fics of different ratings
  6. Finding similar words based on word usage patterns in AO3 D:BH fics (word2vec)
  7. Differences in topic usage between AO3 D:BH fics of different ratings (STM)
  8. Understanding fanon representations of characters from story tags
  9. Character prominence in the actual game versus fandom
  10. Interactive visualisation of character cooccurence across all fics
  11. A partial attempt at automatically finding similar summaries (AO3 D:BH fics)

Based on data from June 2020:

  1. Publishing frequencies in the fandom by month (updated)
  2. (A) An initial look at kudos on AO3 D:BH fics
  3. (B) User interest in ships in the AO3 D:BH fandom
  4. Visualising fics by verb usage
  5. Dialogue analysis of Connor from AO3 D:BH fics

Stuff currently in the works:

  1. ??? (more to come!)

More details:

What is this?

A small collection of images/visualisations of analyses I’ve done on the AO3 D:BH fandom. The preprocessing and nitty-gritty details are on my main blog - this site is just for other D:BH fans (or anyone interested, really) to have an easier time exploring the results.

What data is being used for the analyses?

For analyses 1 to 11:
13,933 English language stories published from May 2018 to mid-October 2019 under the Detroit: Become Human fandom tag from AO3. No cross-over fics, fic word-count of at least 10 words.
From analysis 12 onwards:
16,211 English language stories published from May 2018 to early-June 2020 under the Detroit: Become Human fandom tag from AO3. No cross-over fics, fic word-count of at least 10 words.

Why are you doing this?

Spare time and a love for fandom.