AO3 Detroit: Become Human fanfic analysis
Main blog program-800 with all the details maintained here. Feel free to drop any feedback there via the ask! If you don’t have a Tumblr and would rather I reply you directly via email, please include a name and your email in your ask.
Status of the project:
There’s quite a bit going on in my life right now so I’m not going to be updating as often, but the project is still alive.
Available analyses:
Based on data from Oct 2019:
- Publishing frequencies in the fandom by month
- Interactive visualisation of ships across all fics
- Topic modeling DBH fics (LDA)
- Average hits/kudos/comment counts/bookmarks received (split by publication month & rating). Note that this looks only at one-shots.
- Differences in word use between fics of different ratings
- Finding similar words based on word usage patterns in AO3 D:BH fics (word2vec)
- Differences in topic usage between AO3 D:BH fics of different ratings (STM)
- Understanding fanon representations of characters from story tags
- Character prominence in the actual game versus fandom
- Interactive visualisation of character cooccurence across all fics
- A partial attempt at automatically finding similar summaries (AO3 D:BH fics)
Based on data from June 2020:
- Publishing frequencies in the fandom by month (updated)
- (A) An initial look at kudos on AO3 D:BH fics
- (B) User interest in ships in the AO3 D:BH fandom
- Visualising fics by verb usage
- Dialogue analysis of Connor from AO3 D:BH fics
Stuff currently in the works:
- ??? (more to come!)
More details:
What is this?
A small collection of images/visualisations of analyses I’ve done on the AO3 D:BH fandom. The preprocessing and nitty-gritty details are on my main blog - this site is just for other D:BH fans (or anyone interested, really) to have an easier time exploring the results.
What data is being used for the analyses?
For analyses 1 to 11:
13,933 English language stories published from May 2018 to mid-October 2019 under the Detroit: Become Human fandom tag from AO3. No cross-over fics, fic word-count of at least 10 words.
From analysis 12 onwards:
16,211 English language stories published from May 2018 to early-June 2020 under the Detroit: Become Human fandom tag from AO3. No cross-over fics, fic word-count of at least 10 words.
Why are you doing this?
Spare time and a love for fandom.