User interest in ships in the AO3 D:BH fandom

This is somewhat of a follow-up to my initial post on kudo descriptives.

This plot answers two simple questions:
(1) How many registered AO3 users have indicated interest in a particular D:BH ship, and
(2) How many interested users do two particular D:BH ships share?

You can find the plot here.
The hover information (i.e., the raw counts shown on nodes/edges) have been separately compiled into two tables: nodes and edges. Preprocessing and creation of the plot in this Tumblr post.

Main points to note are:
(1) User interest is defined as (a) being the author of a fic with the particular ship(s), and/or (b) leaving a kudos on a fic with the particular ship(s),
(2) Only registered accounts were accounted for, since there is no way for me to disambiguate guest kudos.

The plot is very simple to read:
(1) Larger-sized nodes = relatively more registered users have indicated interest in the particular ship
(2) Thicker edges = relatively more registered users have indicated interest in both the specified ships

I may refine/add on to this brief exploration in future, will keep this space updated.