An interactive visualisation of character cooccurence across AO3 Detroit: Become Human fics
I created this network as a summary of the dataset for myself, but decided to release it here since it might be interesting for others to view as well. The network is meant to be a bird’s eye view of character appearance stats across the D:BH fandom. Specifically, it summarises:
1) The most common rating the character typically appears in
2) How many unique characters the character has appeared with
3) The top 5 characters that appear with the character
4) How often the character is shipped whenever they appear
5) The most common rating of the character’s shipfics, and
6) How many fics a pair of characters have appeared in together
7) The most common rating a pair of characters typically appears in together
8) How often a pair of characters are shipped together whenever they appear
9) The most common rating of a pair of characters’ shipfics
Full blog post detailing the network’s creation here.
If you are interested in just ships specifically, do visit my earlier work on it.
How do I read this graph?
Node qualities
Nodes are characters.
Node size: The larger a character node, the more unique characters the character has appeared with.
Node shape:
Star-shaped nodes indicate characters that are shipped in 50% or more fics that they appear in.
Diamond-shaped nodes indicate characters that are shipped in 25% to 50% of the fics they appear in.
Regular circle-shaped nodes are characters that are shipped in below 25% of the fics they appear in.
Node colour: Node colour is determined by the fic rating the character typically appears in.
Colour reference: grey = Not Rated, green = Gen, blue = Teen, orange = Mature, red = Explicit.
Hovering over a node gives you the following info:
- The most common rating the character typically appears in
- How many unique characters the character has appeared with
- The top 5 characters that appear with the character
- How often the character is shipped whenever they appear
- The most common rating of the character’s shipfics (e.g. 28.97% of fics shipping Connor are Explicit; the top rating for Connor shipfics is Explicit)
Link qualities
Characters are linked if they have appeared in at least one fic together.
Link thickness: The thicker the link, the more often that pair of characters has appeared together.
Link colour: Link colour is determined by the fic rating the character pair typically appears in. The colour scheme follows that of the character nodes.
Hovering over a link between two characters gives you the following info:
- How many fics a pair of characters have appeared in together
- The most common rating a pair of characters typically appears in together
- How often a pair of characters are shipped together whenever they appear
- The most common rating of a pair of characters’ shipfics (e.g. 83.33% of fics that ship Kamski and ST200 are Explicit; the top rating for Kamski/ST200 shipfics is Explicit)